Saturday, December 22, 2007


I am torn. I am successful at what I do for a living (I am an accoutant) and I am pulled towards birth by a force I can't ignore. I recently started a new job, a great job at a great company and I am thinking about doing my MBA to further improve my knowledge and my career in my field. On the other I feel like I need to be involved somehow with pregnant women and birth.

One of my co-worker's wife is pregnant and I find myself wanting to lend her my books, show her my videos, take her to the meetings where they talk about mother friendly maternity care and don't even know her and barely know her husband. I am re-reading "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth", watching videos on Youtube and reading blogs like Bellies and Babies,
Navelgazing Midwife, Belly Tales, Mama Mid(Wife) Madness , Midwife: Sage Femme, Hebamme, Comadrona, Partera, and others to learn more and immerse myself into it.

I don't know what to do. I can't really doula considering my position, because even though they are pretty flexible, there are times during the month when I can't be away from my job. I would like to become a Lactation Consultant, but it seems like I would have to go to school for a few years to be able to do that. I think that my best option would be to become a Childbirth Educator. I have been thinking about it, all I need is to make a decision, I know that once I make the decision I'll jump into it and do it, but it's not an easy decision to make.

I think that it's important for me to keep doing my job so that once I have a family we can live comfortably, I just want to be involved in the world of pregnancy and birth somehow. I want to spread the word that birth can be amazing and empowering and that it is important for a child to be born in a gentle and loving environment and not be handled roughly and taken away immediately after birth. I want to tell pregnant women that they don't NEED an epidural, what they need is to be able to move freely, be surrounded by professionals who care about them and will stay with them to reassure them that they are doing a great job and that they CAN do it, that they are doing it.

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

The Finger Joke

Last night was mother in law's birthday and my almost 4 year old niece did know when they tell you to be careful what you teach children because they will remember AND repeat it? So she's hanging out with my Husby and ask him to pull his finger. He shows his finger to her, she pulls is and asks "You didn't farted!??"
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