Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Update on Volunteerism

So Nice Nurse called back on Friday and I set up my training for last night (I have a gmail account with Gmail notifier installed on my computer, so that everytime someone writes to me I know about it RIGHT AWAY coz I'm psycho like that. So when Nice Nurse replied to my e-mail telling me to call her back to schedule the training and I called her back 2 minutes later I think that she kind of freaked!) I went in last night, and of course, there were only 3 babies who needed to be screened.

Young Nice and Pregnant Nurse was training me and it was a lot of fun. It was a little nerve racking to have the parents of a 2 hour old baby stared at you while you hook the baby up and are sweating your butt off partly because you are right by a warmer, and partly because well you have no idea what you are doing.

I signed up to go back on Thursday and Husby is not too happy about that....I had said that I would go only once a week because it is kind of far, and now that I don't have to run to school every night it's nice to spend time with Husby, but I don't feel like I had a chance to really do anything yesterday....still bargaining on this one without trying to look like I am this obsessive freak!

As far as Big Brothers Big Sisters goes, I had my interview today, and the case worker told me that he's hoping that I'll be matched before Thanksgiving! I am excited and nervous about that. I am looking forward to making a difference in a child's life, I just hope that I get along with that child...I'll keep you updated!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! I did BBBS for a few years until my little sis and her fam moved away. It was a great experience! I hope you get a good match. -sPal

November 09, 2006  

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