Thursday, August 25, 2005

Medical Journal

It is by reading Barbara's blog that I found this book:

WARNING: This is written by a medical student and it is just horrible.

I think that Barbara says it very well:
It is a blog from a medical student and HORRIBLY painful. Please know this before going there. It made my stomach ache and made me livid all at the same time. And then it is also something I want everyone to read. Every woman. Everywhere.

To end on a better note, I have been following Emily Lynne's blog these last few days. Her aunt-to-be explains the situation here:

My sister is currently in the hospital/bedrest for preterm labor. She's been bedside for 2 weeks now and is finally 31 weeks. She's had her steroid shots and because her amniotic fluid is running low they have decided that next week if the baby hasn't been born, they will have to induce. Hers is a
complicated story.

She is only 20, married young because of the pregnancy, but honestly thought she and her beau had a chance of making a happy home. She moved states to live with him, the whole deal. Well, turns out he had a girlfriend on the side. She left him. But Oklahoma/Texas law does not allow for a divorce to occur until after the baby is

The husband (soon to be ex) has kept everything baby related and the courts will not allow her to go after the items until after the divorce has been settled (months after the baby gets here).

My sister, hospitalized, thought she had more time to save and prepare for the birth of her baby. in a few months she has gone from the dream of a happy home,loving husband, SAHM, etc. to a working mother, trying to pay for the costs of a child andhaving to rebuy all the items that the ex has decided to keep out of spite.

If you go check out the blog, you can see that since she has started to receive help from the Internet she is doing much better. This shows how important the mind's well-being is in order for the body to function properly. I think that it is amazing that the level of her amniotic fluid has been stable ever since she has realized that Emily will have what she needs after all.


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